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Monday, 29 August 2011


I was walking through a town centre somewhere at night. It was quiet. Not many people about. For some reason I was only wearing a long, white, old fashioned night gown.

I got into some sort of argument with some young people but we all ended up friends and playing with a skipping rope!

 I noticed a doctor's surgery and  walked up to it. There was a sign that said 'are we open over the bank holiday?' underneath, a doctor had written 'polish my arse!'

For some reason this amused me so 
I decided to break in (?!)  I got through the front door easily and found the same sign 'polish my arse' on the reception desk. 

I decided it would be amusing to get into the doctor's office and make the seat of his chair so highly polished that he would slide off it. 

Unfortunately however, I couldn't unlock that door so I mooched about in reception.  There was a cupboard that turned out to be a fridge filled with soft drinks. I toyed with the idea of pinching a can of diet coke but thought better of it. 

The light from the fridge however, particularly when reflected off my white nightgown, had attracted attention. A passer by looked in and saw me. 

I panicked and shouted that I'd broken in because I was ill. She nodded and rushed off, shouting that she would get help. 

Everything suddenly changed. My nightgown became a white bath towel wrapped around me and both me and the passer by were in a busy casualty department of a hospital. 

I tried to run and hide but there were so many people there looking at me so....(this has got to be one of my weirdest bits of a dream ever).....I turned myself into a tray of three plum tomatoes!

I then managed to hide under a bench seat but I realised that I was slowly cooking and turning into tomato mush. 

I was aware that a team of medical staff were still looking for me and in the end they found me. 

Everyone was shocked at how poorly I was (but not about the fact that I was human tomatoes!) and I could see parents covering the eyes of small children who screamed when they saw me!

The dream ended when a doctor used a defibrillator on me, I had a huge shock and woke up!

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