Another Trio of dreams - although I have no idea on what order they were in.
Adelphi Hotel
In the first dream I turned up at the Adelphi Hotel in Liverpool (which of course was nothing like it actually is). I knew I had booked well in advance but something had gone wrong and they had no record so I was given an 'emergency room'.
The next morning I was sat in the restaurant having breakfast with my friend Jules and men I knew from work kept coming up to me one by one sniggering and asking VERY personal questions about my sex life. I wouldn't answer any of them and I thought there was obviously some sort of dare, bet or silly game going on which made me feel very cross.
I knew I had to sort out the booking for the rest of my stay so I headed outside, (reception was in a different building) and saw everyone walking the longest possible route, walking on the path that snaked around like lots of S shapes. I just took the direct route and everyone gasped (and one woman fainted) in shock that I had walked on the grass.
At reception I was arrested for coming out of a hotel I hadn't booked into yet but I managed to explain and the woman became friendlier and said she would have to catch me a room. Behind her was a large board with hundreds of little lights on it that were flashing on and off really fast. She kept grabbing at it and eventually said she had caught me room 612 which was a twin room.
I said, in that case my friend Jules could share with me, but she stood some distance away from me and refused to share because she was worried that the sniggering men from work would turn up.
No outsize willies at the BBC!
In a different dream I saw Matt Smith chatting up Karen Gillan then walking off to have sex. A man with a clipboard came up to me and said that he wanted me to take a temporary contract with the BBC measuring men's penises. He further explained that BBC employees were only allowed to have sex with each other if any penis involved was below a set maximum size. I agreed to this, took the clipboard and went off to look for Matt smith.
At lunchtime I was in the canteen talking to a woman and I said I quite liked working for the BBC and did she know who I had to talk to to make it permanent. I explained that all I wanted was any old office job.
She asked me what degree I had and I explained that I didn't have one. She said that it was BBC policy that everyone had to have a degree. I said I had 25 years experience of various office type work and I really didn't need a degree but she was insistent and we ended up arguing. I demanded to have it out with the Director General and suddenly I was being restrained by lots of canteen assistants who tied me up with their aprons.
Chocolate growing on trees....that really is a dream!
The final dream is fairly short. I woke up in bed because there were things sticking in my back and I was really uncomfortable. I turned over to see that the bed was filled with children's arms. I tutted and got up.
At present (in real life) my husband is incapacitated with a bad back, but in the dream he discovered that he was absolutely fine and could move around as normal as long as he was in a greenhouse.
I noticed for the first time in 8 years that we had a greenhouse, so I went in with him. It was full of tall think plants with second hand books growing on them. I picked a few off and realised that all of them had curly wurlys inside. This pleased me and I started to suck the chocolate off as many as I could.
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