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Wednesday, 27 July 2011

I really enjoyed this one!

In the first part of the dream I was wandering around trying to get a decent photo. I had learnt to fiddle correctly with my camera and had a tripod and was trying to get a photo of water looking all soft like fog :-/ or a photo of myself with this soft water coming out of my face! 

I seemed to be wandering mainly near sinks and splashing water around a lot but never succeeding. 

Then I was in a place that was a cottage hospital I think. Richard was there. He was staying there but he was in a large waiting room rather than a ward and I had no awareness of him being ill. 

We had a conversation about his father and his fondness for particular blankets which were folded up next to where Richard was sitting.  One was multicoloured and mainly dark red, the other a pale yellow colour. 

Two women arrived to take me off with them to see Richard's dad. One was his sister and one was a family friend called Angela. 

Angela was a very loud over enthusiastic woman. They couldn't wait to get me away from Richard. I picked up the two blankets one by one asking if I should bring them with me but they laughed at me for such a silly suggestion. 

As we got into a large covered car park I realised my car was in a different car park outside. They wanted me to leave it and I wasn't 100% sure it was locked so I was leaning and stretching into all-shapes trying to see it through two windows and get it to lock by pressing the key. 

In the end I could just see that it jolted and I took it to be locked. 

Angela was telling me about a wonder diet she had invented. Apparently she could lose as much as she wanted each week but had decided two to three pounds was ok. 

The indoor car park was filling up and Angela was giving out books about her diet. It was called 'one a day' and I was impressed she had a proper glossy looking hard back book!

While people were milling about waiting for Angela to give a talk on her diet I was riding my bike in a very extreme way. I was cycling fast towards people then stopping just in time and was skidding and randomly weaving my way around people. 

A few people looked a bit nervous but no one seemed to get too cross. 

The bike somehow turned into a swing but a swing without a fixed bit at the top. I could swing all over the place in all directions. 

I was really enjoying the swinging and like the cycling, I was getting very close to people and only just missing them. I swung high and fast getting between small gaps, changing angles and the length of the rope at will. 

I was totally enjoying it. It was energetic but exhilarating and a bit dangerous.  I somehow knew that no one else there would be able to have the same control of the swing or dare to go so high and so close.  

I finally let it rest when Angela started to speak about her miracle diet but sadly I woke up before I could find out what it was! :-( 

I want a swing now!! :-D

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