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Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Holiday programme....

In last night's dream, we were watching a Tv programme that had a holiday built in. 

I'm not sure who 'we' refers to as most people I know seemed to be involved. 

It started with myself and my parents walking somewhere. Some people from work were there and so was my husband. 

I had a text but the phone I had wasn't my usual phone. It was odd and had a tiny keyboard. It also had an unnecessarily ornate display which just made it hard to read. 

The text was off simon from work. I told everyone I had a text off simon as this in itself was a rare event. I tried to read the text but it was like reading a rolled up scroll on a tiny screen that wouldn't stay unrolled and it kept jumping back to the beginning and there were too many gaps between words.  

When I eventually got to read it all the way through I noticed everyone had wandered off and stopped listening anyway. 

I looked back at my phone and it started to mark out the route that simon had travelled to go on holiday. He'd gone to the 'other cornwall' which was in France. 

Suddenly we were all watching tv again in a small square room. I realised that I was taking off more clothes than I could possibly have had on in the first place and folding them up before passing to my mother. 

My dad asked me sarcastically why I was folding them if they were for the wash. I shrugged thinking 'so what' but everyone else found it hysterical and were laughing at me for ages. 

I became aware that although the holiday came free with the tv programme, it wasn't in the right order. The handing over of dirty clothes was the end of the holiday but the middle and beginning hadn't happened yet. 

Suddenly I was in a pre restaurant. I was put in a seat like a see saw to balance out a man and his mother. 

A woman came to interview me about what foods I was missing from home. I said ice cream, but she crossed out what I'd said. She said sorry.....Although I could see lots of ice cream I couldn't have it. 

I also became aware that every flavour had half chocolate in it. 

We knew it was almost time to be taken through to eat, but I realised I had given all my clothes to be washed and had nothing to wear. 

At that moment we had to enter a competition to guess the monkey. We all guessed randomly. I guessed 'stripy top' hoping that if I was right, I'd win one to wear. 

We all suddenly realised that everyone else had chosen chocolate orange and had won. My mother could see that everyone else had had chocolate orange monkeys in bags on their tables all along and declared it a fix. She started to shout and get angry. 

Then suddenly it was the start of the holiday and we were just arriving outside. I parked the car and took ages... being very fussy so that you could see it from the house. 

I suddenly became aware that I was Jessie Wallace and had only just realised, so I felt more confident. 

I locked the car and posted the keys through a letterbox which was in the middle of the driver's door of the car, then walked towards the house to start my holiday. 

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