I was in a house....I think it was our old council house in Pontypool. I crossed the road and met a blonde middle aged woman who started walking with me. She said she was taking me to weightwatchers.
I noticed that I was eating a glass bowl full of jelly with cottage cheese in it. The cottage cheese had settled at the bottom and it was disgusting.
I was speaking on the phone to a friend but turned the phone off and put it in my bra as the woman was speaking to me.
We chatted as we walked. The weather was warm with a gentle breeze. It was very pleasant and as we walked I could see we were getting closer to the sea which looked a beautiful deep blue.
I could hear it and it felt relaxing.
I then realised there was shouting coming from my bra. I got my phone out and not only had I not ended the phone call with my friend but I'd somehow fumbled with it and also phoned my husband so I now had two live phone calls.
They had both been shouting at me to answer or turn my phone off and it turns out they'd also had a nice chat with each other about how jiggly my breast was to sit on.
I cut them both off and realised I was lost. I was on the outskirts of a town which I feel was Wolverhampton and I was trying to find a shortcut which I remembered someone mentioning.
I asked a policeman but he acted like he couldn't see or hear me and just looked right through me.
I sighed and noticed I was now in a field with a small group of people.
We were watching an episode of Doctor Who which was happening live in front of us but was also being shown a little way off to the left on a big screen. The action on the screen had a few seconds delay.
The story was that three explorers had come through the crack in time/between universes for a holiday and had been followed by some evil blokes with a secret army.
One of the adventurers was in Cardiff and had been arrested but he showed a letter to say he had to appear in court elsewhere at 9.30 the next day, so was let off with a $64 fine.
The other two were happily rambling through countryside and some girl was trying to warn them. Just as the girl caught up and started to explain, three men appeared through an invisible door and announced they were going to kill them.
As viewers, we could see a huge army still hidden behind the door but the three in the programme couldn't. One of the girls was feisty and argued with them.
The army then appeared and there was a chase. As viewers we felt it was getting a bit dodgy so we ran away too.
I needed the loo so went into a portakabin type building and was sat on the loo when I realised I was doctor who's assistant.
The Doctor (David Tennant) was in the room and using his sonic screwdriver he made himself go into a small moving porcelain model of himself which was inside a glass case mounted on the wall.
He looked around then started to climb upwards, disappearing somehow into the top of the case. I was somehow aware he was going through the crack in time.
I shouted that it was weakened and unstable due to all the others that had come through and he hesitated as if he hadn't thought of that but then carried on anyway.
I got annoyed and poked my tongue out. A distant voice shouted 'I saw that'. I frowned and poked my tongue out twice. I heard an even more distant voice shout 'and both those'. I could hear he was now very far away.
I folded my arms, frowned and let out a huge sigh. I remember thinking that I was fed up of no one ever doing what I wanted them to.
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